Saturday, September 7, 2019

Diversity Considerations Essay Example for Free

Diversity Considerations Essay Introduction This paper will analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. The discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual oppression of culturally diverse populations will be described within this paper. Racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities will be examined. Furthermore, this paper will also analyze how current research may positively impact the delivery of public safety and enhance the evaluation of information and resources. Lastly the chosen articles used for this paper will be evaluated on their reliability and credibility. Diversity Considerations The different cultures and lifestyles that surround us are the major factors that affect and influence behavior in all societies. Culture is the way we are brought up and the beliefs, values and attitudes that are instilled in us by our parents and or guardians. Society also instills culture in us and how we are educated and trained throughout life. We are trained in school and within our homes; we are taught different lifestyles through whom we interact with and the environment in which we grow up in and the conditions and situations we are used to. As a child one tends to follow the life he or she is familiar with. Children look up to their parents, teachers, or any influential person in their life to help shape their thoughts, values and beliefs. For example, if one grows up in a negative environment then that individual will more than likely adopt those types of influences throughout their life and will view life in a negative manner. Their thoughts and beliefs and relationships with others in life will be negative. The opposition would be someone brought up in a positive environment will more than likely view life in a positive manner. If one is brought up to respect others and to be courteous to others, he will more than likely continue these habits throughout life. However, if one is brought up to be prejudiced against those who differ or believe it is acceptable to lie or steal then he or she will probably live by these standards. There are many discriminatory factors which promote societal, socioeconomic, and spiritual oppression of culturally diverse populations. First understanding how discrimination is categorized is important. According to Ore, (2011) employing a systemic frame of analysis requires that we redefine the ways we categorize issues of discrimination. Ore (2011) defines prejudice as a negative attitude toward members of a group or social category and discrimination as the unequal treatment of people determined by their membership in a group. Resources such as money, property, medical care and education can be impacted by systems of oppression and privilege. Resources are not equal to all and many are limited. The distribution of resources to a particular member of society is based on his or her status. Ones social class is one of the most powerful predictors of health. The higher someone is on the socioeconomic ladder the lower their risk is for poor health (Ore, 2011). The identification of disasters as purely physical occurrences (typhoons, floods, earthquakes and initially also bombings and explosions) that affect people who have the misfortunate to be simply in the wrong place at the wrong time gave rise to a preoccupation with technological solutions for the protection of infrastructure and exposed populations ( Bankoff, 2004). Many times the outcome of a situation will be dependent on ones status within the community or membership in a group. Racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities exist throughout the country. According to the U.S. Department of Education (2005), there are approximately 56 million students and 3.3 million teachers in our K-12 classrooms. Half the school aged population is expected to consist of students of color by the year 2020. It is estimated that more than 1 in 7 children aged 5 to 17 speak a language other than English at home. By 2026, the number of non-native English speaking students will reach 15 million (Carjuzza, 2005). Multiculturalism relates to communities containing multiple cultures. Multiculturalism exists throughout the nation, communities, schools, businesses and neighborhoods in which we live in. Multiculturalism refers to ideologies or policies that encourage diversity. It allows for one to express one’s own identity. The interaction and communication between different cultures provides opportunity for all. Interactions of cultures provide opportunities for the cultural differences and to create multiculturalism. America is the place where individuals of different ethnicities, cultures and races come to be treated fairly (equal opportunity). However language can be a major barrier and affects all races regardless of acceptance. Smaller communities seem to encompass stronger values beliefs and customs, therefore leaving no room for acceptance of others and languages. Putnam, (2007) states, â€Å"As we have more contact with people who are unlike us, we overcome our initial hesitation and ignorance and come to trust them more.† This could be possible and could be a way to integrate diversity and create multiculturalism. Regardless of race, culture, age, disabilities or the language in which we speak, we are all created equal. Those who migrate here to America and want shared citizenship and outreach towards other cultures and ethnicities is something that will take a long time to be accepted, for several reasons, language being one main reason. Individuals that do not speak English and move into communities where English is the dominant language, are not easily accepted into these communities. There are many ways to try and resolve differences in regards to diversity; however ignorance to one’s culture, ethnicity, beliefs etc. plays a major role in racial and cultural diversity throughout the country. Current research may positively impact the delivery of public safety and enhance the evaluation of information and resources if conducted in a positive and open manner. Research must be available and include all current socioeconomic groups. However research must be honest and reliable and available to those in need of it in order to assist with issues in the public safety sector. Research must also include the members of the affected communities in which the research or data was collected on. . Also, the sharing of the research is critical and should only be shared with those authorized. Policies for conducting and sharing the research must be developed and implemented in order to avoid the research and data being altered or shared with the wrong individuals. Accurate crime data serve important purposes. It is used by public agencies and officials in determining policies, budgets, legislation, funding priorities, and evaluation of existing programs. In conclusion, it is up to the adults in a child’s life to set a good example and instill good values in their children. Society in general has a responsibility to assist with poverty and crime within their communities whenever possible. As individuals we all act and behave in a manner at different times and places. One may not have the same behavior or personality at home as he/she would at work. Whether it is a child, teenager or adults we all have our own personality, values, beliefs and cultures, therefore social influences can alter and shape our actions, speech and who we are and how we are perceived within our communities and society in general. Attitude or a persons belief about a certain situation or perception can influence behaviors. Social influences can affect behavior by simply changing attitudes. This can be a positive change, such as opening a closed-minded individuals beliefs to include new beliefs and choices. On the contrary social influences on attitudes can be negative and include destructive or forcible perceptions leading to poor choices and or criminal behavior. References Bankoff, G. (2004). International journal of mass emergencies and disaster. Time is of the Essence:Disasters, Vulnerability and History. 22(3) 23-42 International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, 7(5) 153-160. Retrieved January 16, 2013 from human-behavior Putnam, R. D., (2007). E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century: The 2006 Johan Skytte prize lecture. Journal Compilation, Scandinavian Political Studies, 30(2) 137-174 Ore, T.E. (2011). The social construction of difference inequality: Race, class, gender, and sexuality, fifth edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. Cumbersome

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