Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sports Nutrition Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sports Nutrition Project - Essay Example For those performing intense training of 2 hours or more, the carbohydrate requirement is 3-4 grams per pound per day. According to sports nutrition experts, an average male performing exercise and strength training workouts of regularly must consume atleast 400-600 grams of carbohydrate per day to maintain high muscle glycogen stores (Quinn, 2011). 2. Take moderate protein intake: After vigorous exercise, athletes need protein to rebuild and repair the muscle tissue that is broken down during intense exercise. Since protein is the basic building material for muscle tissue, increased protein intake must be there to increase muscle size. The recommended protein intake for an athlete is 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per pound per day. Adequate protein intake can be gained by eating health diet that includes eggs, low fat dairy, lean meat like chicken and fish, fruits, legumes and nut. Some athletes prefer to increase their protein intake by taking protein bars and energy drinks. The protein intake must not exclude 1 gram per pound per day (Quinn, 2011). 3. Fat is also an essential nutrient, but the intake must be less than 30 percent of total daily calories. The intake must come from lean meats and fish, olive oil, seeds, nuts and avocados (Lambert et al, 2004). 4. Water intake must be adequate and fluids lost through exercise must be replaced. In order to make sure that fluid intake is adequate, 2 cups of water must be consumed 2 hours before exercise and 4-8 ounces must be taken every 15-20 minutes during workout sessions. After exercise, 16 ounces must be taken (Quinn, 2011). 5. It is important to consume some protein and carbohydrate after exercise to help muscle growth and replenishment of glycogen stores in the muscle. The optimum ratio of carbohydrate and protein is 4:1. It is important not to eat more protein than required because it can slow the replenishment of glycogen stores and also delays rehydration (Quinn, 2011). Recommendations to increase muscle bulk (Australian Institute of Sports, 2009): 1. Since muscles need good stimulation to grow, exercise training, especially aerobic exercises are essential for the muscles to grow. 2. A positive energy balance of 2000-4000 Kilojoules per day is necessary. Thus, the dietary intake must be increased. The first to focus on is the carbohydrate. Excess protein can get oxidized and get converted to saturated fat. Increased intake of fatty foods can result in increased gaining of fat mass rather than muscle mass. 3. Athletes must eat and drink frequently, rather than increasing the quantity consumed during each meal. Snacks containing high energy foods must be carried. Useful foods for snacking are fruit smoothies, milk shakes, liquid meal supplements, sports bars, cereal bars and favored dairy foods. 4. It is important for the athlete to be consistent and patient and aim at increasing body mass by 2-4 kg per month. Diet plan for 3 days Day-1 Quantity of food required to provide high carbohydra te and high protein needs for the athlete Amount of carbohydrate (g) Amount of protein (g) Breakfast 2 cups cereal 300 ml milk 2 slices toast 2 tablespoons jam 1 cup juice 39 16 30 36 19 6 12 8 0 2 Lunch 2 bread rolls each with 50 g chicken + salad 1 banana 1 fruit bun 250 ml flavoured low fat milk 78 20 34 17 41 2 6 13 Dinner Stir-fry with 2 cups pasta + 100 g meat + 1 cup vegetables 1 cup jelly + 1 cup custard 100 82 50 13 Snacks 750 ml sports drink 1 carton yoghurt 1 piece fruit 1

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