Friday, November 1, 2019

America's Perception of American Italian Mafia Essay

America's Perception of American Italian Mafia - Essay Example These immigrants who come probably from different ethic backgrounds have been found to grow under strange circumstances that encouraged various schemes and scams. The sucker mentality is found in this people and that is why they engage in the organized crimes. A petty crime if it organized by a group of individuals can grow to become bigger if the individuals have continuity in forming a criminal organization. The chief goal of such criminal organizations is money. This criminal organization may come as a chain of many organizations. (Abadinsky, 2003) Consequently, such participants become mafia. These criminal organizations include burglary, car theft, street fangs, outflow motorcycle gangs, drug posses, and international drug cartels. It has been observed that less formal and simplex criminal networks aged by the Italian mafia do not necessarily end up in complex criminal organizations. In recent years some Italian-Americans have felt discriminated against in regard to their repres entation within the hierarchy of the American Catholic Church. They cite statistics to justify their contention that the Church has been biased in favor of Irish and Germans prelates to the exclusion of Italian-Americans. The basic perceptions of the Italian Americans who migrated to the US are perceived by the natives as gangsters who are basically associated with drug trafficking and prostitution among other crimes. The issue of illegal immigrants to the United States has been described as a major contribution to the high crime rate. This has elicited numerous reactions from various prominent people in the United State. There has been even a proposal for the deportation of the illegal immigrants back to their countries. (Rolle, 1968) There is a connection between the language and also the existence of the Italian Mafia. Since the official language used in America is English and as such they are not able to get office or formal jobs and as such they resolve in crime as a source of income. The Italian mafias are generally referred to as the thieves' in-law or professional thieves the code. This is a misconception that is associated with the Italians in the United States. However, there are other Italian Americans who are very instrumental in positive development by providing highly skilled labor in the various industries. A large number of Italians are perceived as criminals in the United States. For this reason the Italian American population was always on trial on the grounds of suspicion. (Iorizzio & Mondello, 1975) From a wider prospective the term Mafia can be understood to refer to organized criminal groups; clans that control politics and the economy in particular regions; corrupt government employees of recent years the term Mafia has been used to mean a person who controls particular goods and services. When the control is done to the detriment of the consumer to personal benefit then those controlling this are called Mafias. The Italian Americans have also been perceived as people who are driven by self interests so as to gain economic advantage. For this reason they have been know to use dubious means to gain this economic advantages. These thugs have international connections that enable then to achieve their objectives. These people have been known to pose a security risk to the

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