Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Green History of the World by Clive Pointing Essay

A Green History of the World by Clive Pointing A Green History of the World has been very educational reading and has given me a new prospective on the environment. While I do disagree with some of Clive Pointing’s views I have learned a lot from his work. A Green History of the World was a very in-depth look at the past and the future of our environment. Pointing raised my consciousness regarding the trials we face as inhabitants of this great planet and left me with some food for thought. After reading Chapter One I found myself entranced by the mystery of Easter Island and excited about the information A Green History of the World had to offer. I had virtually no understanding of Easter Island nor could I remember every being†¦show more content†¦The Easter Island Home Page is full of fascinating information regarding everything from the discovery of Easter Island to modern day life on the island. Though there are many theories about Easter Island, in my opinion no one really knows exactly what happened there. It seems to me that the more factual data we discovered the more questions we create. I found it interesting that in a recent archeological discovery they found that porpoises made up a large portion of the early inhabitants diet, which means that they would have had to have had some sort of â€Å"sea worthy† vessel in which to hunt this animal. Remembering that when Easter Island was discovered the only boats that were found were three sm all canoes (that were not sea worthy), they must have been previously equipped with lager boats in order to hunt the porpoises. Another theory that I found particularly entertaining was that extraterrestrial beings inhabited the island and were responsible for the statues and their placement. Though I do not agree with all of the theories that I read, I am still intrigued by Easter Island and after looking at the pictures of the Island on the Internet I would like to travel there in the future. Easter Island is located off the coast of Chile and it cost approximately $800.00 to fly there round trip from Chile, but what an experience it would be. Throughout theShow MoreRelatedEssay about What is World History?4758 Words   |  20 PagesWhat is world history? Bruce Mazlish contends that world history, as opposed to global history, is the study of systemic processes of interaction among diverse peoples, best typified by the work of William H. McNeill. By contrast, global history is the history of globalization, a process that Mazlish argues did not begin to occur on a significant scale until at least the 1950s, and, more plausibly, the 1970s. 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