Monday, December 9, 2019

Essay about The Achievement Of The National Honor Society Essay Example For Students

Essay about The Achievement Of The National Honor Society Essay The National Honor Society is a goal every student dreams of, often from their very first day of high school. I have been hoping for and working towards the opportunity to even write this application since the beginning of last year, and now that it comes time to finally put pen to paper (or finger to key in this case) I find it hard to express what an honor it is to be able to apply to this prestigious society. The National Honor Society sets a standard of achievement every student should strive to attain. This standard demands an aptitude for scholarship, highly capable leadership abilities, strong personal character, and devotion to serving and helping others. I believe I have a high aptitude in each of these four pillars of the National Honor Society. In the area of scholarship I show aptitude through my consistently high grades and rigorous course schedule. In the category of leadership I show great strength because of my ability to communicate effectively and organize a group of people to work towards a common goal. I show strength of character through my interactions with others and my personal standards. Finally, I show a devotion to service to others through my long term dedication to many charitable causes.First, I believe I have a high aptitude for scholarship through my rigorous course schedule and consistently high grades. As a freshmen in high school I did the one thing every teacher tells you not to do when scheduling, I took an all honors course schedule. While this all honors course list was difficult to manage at first, I quickly adapted and learned to work harder and study effectively in order to maintain strong grades. When scheduling time came for sophomore year, I chose to do the same thing and again schedu. .etter for it. Thus, through my long term dedication and hard work for the Miracle League organization it is clear I have a high aptitude for service to others.In conclusion, I have a great aptitude for all four characteristics of the National Honor Society, as described by the four pillars. I show great strength in scholarship through my hard work, difficult course schedule, and involvement in many extracurricular activities. My aptitude for leadership can be seen in my work with Hawk Eye, communication skills, and ability to adept to the ideas of others. In the field of character I show great strength in my adherence and strong belief in my personal values. Finally, I show my dedication to service through my long term involvement with the Miracle League organization. Thus it can be seen I show great aptitude in all four of the pillars of the National Honor Society.

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