Monday, May 18, 2020

Argumentative Essay About Abortion - 1330 Words

Abortion is one of the most debatable and controversial issues that exist today in our society. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. Over 205 million women get pregnant per year worldwide, over a third of those pregnancies are unintended and a fifth end in abortion. Women should be able to get abortions because the procedures are legal; also there are minimal physical side effects, and on the other side of the argument people mainly disagree with abortion because of religious reasons. In 1973, the supreme court case Roe versus Wade opened up a doorway for abortion to become legal. It wasnt just to protect the safety of the womens life. There are multiple reasons†¦show more content†¦In certain states, women are required to have counseling that talks about the link between breast cancer and abortion, a fetus being able to feel pain, and long-term mental effects of the procedure. For minors, 37 states require some type of parental involvement. Just in North Carolina, alone women are required to get counseling and then have a 72 hour waiting period and the parent of a minor must consent before an abortion is provided. There are so many different types of abortions but the two most common types are called in-clinic abortions and the abortion pill (â€Å"Abortion information†). An in-clinic abortion is also called surgical abortions. In-clinic abortions work by using suction to clean out the uterus and end the pregnancy (â€Å"Abortion information†). There are different types of surgical abortions but it just depends on how far along a woman is. The abortion pill is a little bit different but its a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy (â€Å"Abortion information†). The pill is used by using two different medicines called mifepristone and misoprostol (â€Å"Abortion information†). During pregnancy, the womans body needs a hormone called progesterone. The Mifepristone blocks the body’s owns progesterone. The doctor or nurse will give the female the first pill in-clinic and the second one isShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay About Abortion764 Words   |à ‚  4 Pagestheir opinion on if abortion is wrong is based off the opinion of when a person feels that life has begun. Many women who discover that they will be having a baby soon become really happy about the idea. Also, some who get abortions feel that pregnancy is nothing more than an inconvenience. Sometimes this inconvenience is sought to be an issue that can easily be resolved such as adoption or abortion methods. There are also times where conflicting issues create consideration about if the baby shouldRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Career Life Consuming And Stressful Classes I Have Ever Taken1521 Words   |  7 Pagestough time making my sentences flow together easily, my essays sounded choppy. 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