Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Change Management in Projects and Project Stakeholders

Question: Describe about the Change Management in Projects and Project Stakeholders. Answer: Project Management Change I agree with my fellow student that projects are characterized by three elements of uniqueness, dynamic and temporal. Hence, the aspect of change in them is real and fundamental as discussed by the student. It is due to these features that make projects not to have a particular model of management that keeps on changing from one project to the next. Hence agree with the above statement as it has been clearly brought out by the student. In the modification process of the projects, approaches of transformations are employed to the individuals, teams and even the company as a whole to create a new image of the business (Levin, 2012). As discussed by my fellow student, I agree to the fact that the changes are usually regarded to be the individual focus so as to create a meaningful transformation that is uniform. In initiating the changes in the projects, project management I suggest that models should be employed which have the ability to tackle the issues differently. The analysis made by my fellow student in the table as borrowed the knowledge from Wysocki(2014) is well done.I agree that as discussed in the table, various models are used which help in simplifying and explaining issues in an individual project hence such matters are clearly seen. I agree that the models whether linear or incremental are regarded to be ancient management ones that are based on detailed planning as the discussion showed hence the piece is truthful and well researched in addition to the classwork, I agree that the mentioned models such as extreme PLMC, Adaptive PMLC, Iterative PMLC and Linear PMLC can be initiated to the projects in which everything is known at the initiating stage. I agree that the changes seldom occur(Anca, 2013). Project Stakeholders I agree to the fact that project stakeholders entail people that are involved in the business organization or a company either directly or indirectly by use of representatives. My fellow students are correct by stating that stakeholders can be a person, a team of individuals or even the organization working on a common goal. Also, I agree that they usually have an effect or be affected by the organization since they have a place in regarding the decision-making process.I agree that stakeholders have a say in the outcomes of the launched projects. They are therefore considered to have a profound interest in the initiated projects as clearly brought out by my fellow students(Antonioni, 2009). I add that stakeholders of the projects are the major funders, they are influential regarding planning and launching stage of the projects. It is because they have to ensure the right thing is done to evade losses that otherwise could have occurred as a result of carelessness. They, therefore, work with the experts to ensure that appropriate models of managing the projects are utilized in the projects for the best outcomes to be realized. I agree that crucial elements are considered in the projects. For instance, the urgency of the stakeholders, proximity, and power they have which also determine their influence in the projects(Wysocki, 2014). I agree that projects that are initiated have an end which tells whether they are successful or not. I can add that the key indicators of success projects entail profits being realized, sales being made Accordingly, expansion of the projects manifested as well all the projects being adopted such organizations. I agree that feedbacks and surveys from the stakeholders are done that are usually made at the last stage(Antonioni, 2009). References Anca, V. (2013). Project management-A tool for Implementing change in organizations. Business and Economics Journal, 8(2), 137-144. Antonioni, D. (2009). Crafting the art of stakeholder management. Industrial Management, 51(1), 18-22. Levin, G. (2012). Embrace and exploit change as a program manager: Guidelines for success. New York: project management institute. Wysocki, R. (2014). Effective Project Management: Traditional , Agile extreme. Indianapolis: IN: Wiley.

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